Business Security Management

Business Security Management

  • Understanding the biggest skills gap of today’s security professional in terms of financial planning.
  • Implementing security optimization program to satisfy the common question of business owners, “How much security is enough?”
  • Developing business and strategic management plans with limited budget.
  • Conducting risks prioritization and management.
  • Building strategic partnership with the community.
  • Negotiating with security service provider and maximizing the contract rate.
  • Conducting job-needs-analysis and developing competency-based training program.
Safety Management for Security Professionals

Safety Management for Security Professionals

  • Differentiating the specific scope of safety and security in the organization and finding the area of overlap.
  • Fundamentals of safety management as strategic partner of security.
  • Conducting safety inspection and why there is a need for security to conduct inspection.
  • Understanding the general objectives of safety inspection.
  • Understanding security risks which affect the safety of workers.
  • Conducting safety awareness and training.
  • Conducting accident investigation and job hazard analysis.
  • Planning and conducting safety audit.
CCTV Operations, Maintenance & Management

CCTV Operations, Maintenance & Management

  • Overview on the desired attitude and behaviour of a CCTV specialist.
  • The role of CCTV in Building Maintenance as a business enhancer.
  • The role of CCTV in Asset Protection as an active measure.
  • The role of CCTV in Emergency Management.
  • The role of CCTV in Crime Prevention.
  • Adopting techniques and tactics in observation, description and identification as a tool for profiling methodology.
  • Maximizing the investment by complementing the presence of guard force.
  • Conducting trouble shooting of the CCTV system when defect is noted with workshop and actual demonstration.
  • Legal considerations on the use of CCTV.
The Role of WOMEN in Security Management

The Role of WOMEN in Security Management

(Exclusive for female participants only. All speakers are female corporate security managers and agency operators)

  • Women empowerment and equal opportunity in the field of security
  • Managing a business traditionally dominated by male.
  • Maintaining, handling, dealing with difficult corporate clients.
  • Skills for a successful executive in the business of security.
  • Secrets in building a great security team by female security professionals.
Training the Trainers: Security Concepts & Practices

Training the Trainers: Security Concepts & Practices

  • The Ten Commandments in security training program for security and non-security personnel.
  • Conducting training-needs-analysis and developing a training module.
  • The significance of T.E.A.M. (Training, Education, Awareness & Motivation) model approach in security.
  • When and when not to train the security personnel.
  • How to quantify the benefit of training and defending your training budget to management.
  • Methods in conducting competency assessment.
  • Marketing yourself as a security trainer and educator.
Corporate & Security Investigation Strategies

Corporate & Security Investigation Strategies

  • Ascertain specific scope of corporate investigation, security investigation and law enforcement investigation.
  • Case management methodologies in incident investigation.
  • How to conduct statement and behavioural analysis.
  • Interviewing techniques and tactics.
  • Report writing workshop and role playing.
  • Administrative inquiry and other forms of corporate & business due diligence.
  • Investigation Framework and legal considerations.
Loss Prevention Strategies for Retailers & Entrepreneurs

Loss Prevention Strategies for Retailers & Entrepreneurs

  • Introduction to shrinkage management related to shoplifting, employees dishonesty, administrative error, and suppliers and vendors fraud.
  • The ten commandments of shoplifting and its countermeasures.
  • Frequent employees dishonesty acts and rationalization.
  • Effective preventative and countermeasures for internal and external sources of losses.
  • Crime-proofing your retail business operations.
  • Investigative techniques and tactics.
Asset Protection for Business Managers

Asset Protection for Business Managers

  • Introduction of security management as an important cost of doing business.
  • Straightforward security supervision for non-security professionals.
  • Diagnosing specific security requirements and implementing remedial measures when vulnerabilities are observed.
  • Creating cost-effective and functional security program.
  • Maximizing the security expense as an investment towards future profit.
  • Reducing the opportunity of security related-incidents related to people, property, information, money and negotiable instrument and ensuring continued patronage of the customer.